Taking the Burn out of Burnout: Building Your Wellness Toolkit

09-02-2020 09:15

Burnout is prevalent among family medicine physicians and residents (Hansen, 2018). Research highlights 50.5% of family medicine physicians experience at least one symptom of burnout. With the high rates of burnout occurring, wellness initiatives are trying to reduce the symptoms of burnout. For instance, the American Academy of Family Physicians developed a Physician Health First initiative that includes various resources on mindfulness, nutrition, and physical activity. There are so many different wellness activities that it can be difficult to know what is effective and more importantly, how to implement different activities within a clinical setting. This interactive workshop will highlight some of the empirically-based wellness initiatives. The presenters will share their experiences with different brief and unique wellness initiatives. We will work with participants to tailor skills to be useful and functional in clinical settings and in teaching them to residents.

Author(s):Joanna Petrides, MBS, PsyD; Courtney Barry, PsyD, MS
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STFM Burnout Toolkit Presentation FINAL with Recordings.mp4   201.36 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-02-2020

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