Integrating Trauma-Informed Care Into Family Medicine Residency and the Practice of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

05-07-2021 17:57

This resource discusses the integration of trauma-informed care into family medicine residency training. It begins with an overview of the literature on the emerging field of trauma-informed care within primary care, highlighting the unique role family physicians can play in supporting the health and wellness of individuals affected by trauma. Misconceptions surrounding the efficacy of implementing universal trauma-precautions and universal trauma-screening are explored, emphasizing the organizational and clinical changes required to result in improved health outcomes. In recognition of the recent creation of a single accreditation system for graduate medical education, trauma-informed care is also discussed as it relates to the practice of osteopathic manipulative treatment. This resource’s overarching goal is to advocate for the practical incorporation of trauma education into graduate medical education as a way to integrate trauma competencies early into clinical practice to better serve the healthcare needs of patients affected by trauma.

Author(s):Lauren Weinand, M.D.
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Uploaded - 05-07-2021
This resource discusses the integration of trauma-informed care into family medicine residency training. It begins with an overview of the literature on the emerging field of trauma-informed care within primary care, highlighting the unique role family physicians can play in supporting the health and wellness of individuals affected by trauma. Misconceptions surrounding the efficacy of implementing universal trauma-precautions and universal trauma-screening are explored, emphasizing the organizational and clinical changes required to result in improved health outcomes. In recognition of the recent creation of a single accreditation system for graduate medical education, trauma-informed care is also discussed as it relates to the practice of osteopathic manipulative treatment. This resource’s overarching goal is to advocate for the practical incorporation of trauma education into graduate medical education as a way to integrate trauma competencies early into clinical practice to better serve the healthcare needs of patients affected by trauma.

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