Telemedicine has exploded as a practice model in the COVID era. To help address this, the AAMC has recently published telehealth competencies for medical student learners, residents, ...
According to a recent report from the National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, the supply of geriatricians is predicted to increase over the next 5 years as too will the demand ...
- Powerpoint presentation - Clinical cases in Correctional Medicine for didactic lectures
Describes methods and findings from the 2022 STFM Research Paper of the Year
Powerpoint Escape Room. Please feel free to adapt/modify with attribution!
Drs. Yury Parra and Yasmin Hashemi discuss the dual imperative in ending the HIV epidemic. This supplement summarizes the unique cancer screening and vaccine schedule as a resource ...
The STFM Spring Conference 2022 at Indianapolis, IN. Drs. Yury Parra and Yasmin Hashemi discuss the hand-in-hand imperatives for caring for people who have HIV. From health policy ...
Abstract Purpose: As the entering class of 2020 began medical school, students were confronted with challenges brought forth by the COVID pandemic, but little is known about the pandemic’s ...