Q: How do I cite my resource?

A:  Sample citation for citing General Resources and Conference Materials: 
Angstman K, Garrison G. Patient Screening Tools Predicting 6-Month Depression Outcomes, With Validation (PPT document). Retrieved from The STFM Resource Library: http://resourcelibrary.stfm.org/viewdocument/?DocumentKey=1ee4cb0d-4e65-4a86-ab5a-ad9f05deeda6 

Sample Citation for citing for Peer-Review Manuscript: Author F, Author S. Journal Article Title: with a subhead. [published online Month Date, Year] PRiMER. doi:xx.xxxx/primer.2016.xxxx

Q: When using items I find here, do I need to cite the original author/source?

A:  Absolutely! While submitters are willing to share their scholarly work with other family medicine educations through the STFM Resource Library. No material from another source should ever be included verbatim or substantially so, without attribution.  Always be fair to your colleagues when drawing from their work. When excerpting or quoting from another’s work, you should strive to call attention to it, not draw attention from it. 

Q: What kinds of submissions are accepted?

A:  The STFM Resource Library accepts three resource designations: General Resource, Conference Material, and Peer-Review Manuscript

Q: How do I submit a resource?

A: Select the “Submit Resources” l in the main navigation and choose one of three upload types: General Resource, Conference Material, or Peer-Review Manuscript.
When Submitting a General Resource or a Conference Material:
  • Choose a title for your document, and include a description (optional). Select the library to which you’d like to upload it, and select a folder to which you’d like to upload it (optional).  Then, choose an Entry Type (most will be Standard Files, but be cognizant of any copyright licensed material). Once you have completed these steps, please click “Next.”
  • Upload your file.
  • Select “Next” if you want to further describe your files and/or add tags to your file.  Otherwise, please click “Finish” to post your library entry

When Submitting a Manuscript for Peer-Review:

You will submit to the PRiMER ScholarOne Manuscript Submission site. If manuscripts are accepted after the peer-review process, articles will live on the PRiMER journal site but will have a placeholder resource here so that the content is searchable in the STFM Resource Library.

Q: What kind of document files can I submit?

A: The system supports dozens of file types including hyperlinks, standard files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), webinars, images and YouTube videos.

Q: What are the “tags” for?

A: Tags are great way to organize and categorize your resource. Tagged items are prioritized in the search results.

Q: Do I have to be an STFM member to submit? 

A: You do not have to be an STFM member to submit, but you will need to be logged in.  

Q: What is my username and password?

A. Your login credentials are the same username and password that you use to log in to the STFM website. If you don't have a login, have forgotten your login credentials, or need assistance with your login information, please click here. You will need to be logged in to submit so that your resource can be appropriately tied to you. 

Q. How do I find resources by topic?

Enter keyword in the main search box the same way you might enter search terms into Google or another search engine.

Q: Can I search for specific file types?

A: Yes. Enter your desired keyword in the main search box. From the search results page, click "Show Advanced Search."  Then click on “Search for Specific File Types.” This gives you the option to specify file type: Document, Image, Spreadsheet, etc

Q: Where did the discussion lists go? 

A: Because STFM CONNECT is now only accessible to STFM members it made sense to separate the STFM Resource Library from the discussion lists. The STFM Resource Library is open to the public for browsing and downloading resources. We have added links to STFM Resource Library resource links in STFM CONNECT so that STFM members can easily search resources while connecting with their colleagues.