Connecting with learners can be challenging. We all learn in different ways. As preceptors and educators, we can use preassessments to better understand our learners. The Honey and Mumford learning style model identifies four core learning styles: activist, theorist, pragmatist, and reflector. This consciously interactive seminar will first explain these four different learning styles before demonstrating how knowing the learning style of your learners can maximize effective teaching. The goal of this seminar is to maximize your effectiveness as an educator and make learning easier, faster, more effective, and more fun.As family medicine educators, engaging our learners in ways that best suit them can allow them to reach their full potential. The Honey and Mumford learning style extends from the pillars of Kolb’s learning cycle. (references for both) Kolb’s cycle is comprised of concrete experience, active experimentation, reflective observation, and abstract conceptualization. Each learning style of the Honey and Mumford model aligns with characteristics from the Kolb’s cycle. By connecting the type of learner with the corresponding learning experience, educators can find an individualized approach to best address their learners’ needs. Through learning about the different learning styles, educators can utilize quick pre-assessment techniques to effectively design their lessons, which will enhance the experience for their learners and greatly increase their likelihood of ideal progression through the learning cycle.