Poster attached. Abstract:
Desiring to integrate teaching about racism in medicine into our population health curriculum for medical students and residents, we started by developing an interactive session for third-year medical students during the Family Medicine Clerkship. We also developed a didactic and discussion session to our Family Medicine residents as part of their Health Equity Series. As part of a health equity thread, all students were required to participate in unconscious bias training. However, there has not been an opportunity for students and residents to experience a guided reflection about their experiences with bias during clinical training. The goals of the session were to 1) Introduce concepts of racial inequities in medicine 2) Introduce the concept of race and medical calculators/decisional processes, their history, and how they lead to persistence or worsening of health inequities, 3) Give students the opportunity to reflect on personal experiences where race was used in medical decision making.
This short-session used a “flipped classroom” technique as well as small group breakout sessions. After the session, students completed a reflection project. IRB approval was obtained to survey students on their perception of the session and the reflection project. This data collection is in progress, and we will have results to present at the time of poster presentation.