2016 Blanchard Memorial Lecture: Achieving Health Equity: Tools for a National Campaign Against Racism

05-13-2016 05:49

Dr Jones will present a Cliff Analogy for understanding three dimensions of health intervention: providing health services, addressing the social determinants of health (including poverty and neighborhood conditions), and addressing the social determinants of equity (including racism and other systems of structured inequity). She'll then turn her focus to a discussion of racism as a social determinant of equity and a root cause of "racial"/ethnic differences in health outcomes. Dr Jones will identify three levels of racism (institutionalized, personally-mediated, and internalized) and illustrate these three levels with her Gardener's Tale allegory. She'll generalize her discussion of racism to encompass other systems of structured inequity. Dr Jones will describe the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination as an organizing tool for addressing the impacts of racism on health and well-being. She'll close with three additional allegories on "race" and racism to equip attendees to name racism, ask "How is racism operating here?," and organize and strategize to act. FMDRL_ID: 6353

#STFMAnnualSpringConference #Conferences #2016

Author(s):Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD
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2 Files
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050316_CP_Jones.mp3   80.32 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-13-2016
pptx file
2016_Blanchard_Memorial_Lecture_Jones_C.pptx   5.02 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-13-2016

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