HANDS - FDF : Home / Away Nine Day Faculty Development Fellowship in Japan. New Opportunity and Challenge

07-29-2009 23:45

Faculty development in Japan is still done as one time weekend event and only covers teaching skills. Borrowed from well-established faculty development programs in the North America, we developed the first home / away faculty development fellowship. This fellowship covers four out of five area defined by Bland et al. which are education, professional academic skills, administration and communication. Away from their home institution, fellows spend four weekends (in total of nine days) together for didactic, workshops and in depth discussion. Between these weekends, they try out new skills and competence in their home institution. This format truly represents input-process-output learning cycle, thus enhances fellows' learning. We will discuss advantages and disadvantaged of this format and compare it with other formats of faculty development. Also see, http://www.scribd.com/doc/325882/HANDSFDF-STFM-06-SF FMDRL_ID: 2415

#Conferences #2006 #STFMAnnualSpringConference

Author(s):Tadao Okada, MD, MPH, Morito Kise, MD, Hiroko Tagashira, MD, MScHM
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