Interactive Dermatology Atlas

02-03-2006 16:38

The Interactive Dermatology Atlas contains more than 1000 photographs, a sophisticated search tool, quiz mode and over 60 interactive cases. The atlas can be used for self-directed e-learning or as a clinical reference during real patient encounters. SEARCH TOOL Searches can be performed by diagnosis, lesion characteristics, patient demographics, and treatments. Each image and case is extensively cross-referenced to other images in the atlas. Click on any word that is underlined to complete a new search on that term. CASE MODE These interactive cases are based on real patient visits and simulate the diagnosis and treatment of this patient. Take a history, view the images and perform laboratory tests and biopsies as needed. Choose a diagnosis and learn the real diagnosis before deciding upon the treatment. Visual comparisons are available to compare the user’s diagnosis with the real diagnosis. At the end of each case, information is provided on the recommended management of the patient. QUIZ MODE Click on an image in the atlas to begin the quiz. The image is displayed with key descriptors. Choose the diagnosis and treatment of each condition. Answers and visual comparisons of differential diagnoses are immediately available with the click of a mouse. REFERENCE SECTION The reference section includes more information about various history, physical exam, assessment, and treatment options. It includes video segments of skin surgery procedures. FMDRL_ID: 405


Author(s):Richard Usatine, MD, Brian Madden, MD
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