Isolated and Marginalized? Strategies to Build a Community of Connected Colleagues

03-04-2021 16:40

This session will focus on the unique experiences of Behavioral Science faculty as compared to physician faculty and how to build relationships to address professional struggles. We will describe the journey of the Chicago Behavioral Science Consortium’s development. This  consortium is a group of Behavioral Science faculty within  family medicine residencies  from diverse academic and community programs in the greater Chicagoland area. Over the past 10 years, this group has been meeting to share resources, training struggles, and professional successes.  While the membership has shifted as members change positions, the goal of professional connections and community connections remains the same, with in-person meetings of the whole group currently scheduled quarterly.  This session aims to share strategies to sustain a group identity and support even with an open and fluctuating group membership and program changes.  Our members represent a diverse swath of faculty from early career to advanced levels who are from different disciplines and with a variety of expertise, and yet, we have had a shared goal of building community and offering support.   The participants in this session will reflect on lessons learned in the ebb and flow of this group’s development as well as the benefits of creating collaborative relationships with fellow behavioral science faculty.  In addition to teaching strategies to build connections in their home states and cities, we will present additional opportunities to network with colleagues to build virtual and electronic relationships with one another. Participants will be given time to discuss their own specific needs and develop plans to implement networking strategies in their own career.


Author(s):Lindsay T. Fazio, PhD Limor Gildenblatt, PhD, LCSW Mary R. Talen, PhD Adrienne A. Williams, PhD
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