Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn: Dynamic Approaches to Improve Teaching Skills Aimed at Personal Faculty Develoment

06-08-2017 09:34

This session was a preconference which presented innovative, theory-based teaching activities as well as a plan for goal setting for personal faculty development. The presentation was designed to teach about “whole person” teaching, and consisted of using experiential learning, inspiring feedback methods, and effective body language and gestures to convey the “educational message.” The preconference (1) focused on evidence based teaching and learning theories (2) provided opportunities for participants to practice teaching techniques based on such theories, and (3) provided tools to help them set short term and long-term teaching and career development goals. Participants completed a pre-test and a post-test to assess their baseline and their learning. At the end of the preconference, they set goals in order to promote continuity in their learning experience. The goals were meant to focus on using select educational theories, making a commitment to their own faculty development and a clarifying how this would help them build career paths.

#facultydevelopment #teaching #2017

Author(s):Kathryn Fraser, PhD, Natascha Lautenschlaeger, MD, MPSH, Hayam Shaker, MD, Corey D. Smith, PsyD, Colleen T. Fogarty, MD, MSc, Jeff Morzinski, PhD, MSW
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6 Files
pptx file
Master class teaching stfm 2017 for library no film.pptx   2.01 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-08-2017
Master class teaching method
pptx file
WilsonPreConSTFM2017toupload.pptx   6.08 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-08-2017
Presentation on how body awareness can enhance teaching
docx file
Keep this worksheet STFM 2017 Fnl.docx   19 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-08-2017
Worksheet for goal setting
docx file
Self-assess Pre-Post STFM 2017 Fnl.docx   28 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-08-2017
Pre-post test on teaching skills to be addressed in the presentation
docx file
Self-assess True Pre- STFM 2017 Fnl.docx   28 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-08-2017
Retrospective pre and post-test on teaching skills addressed in the presentation
docx file
precon refs-final.docx   18 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 06-08-2017
Reference list for entire presentation

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