Leprosy Update 2019

12-10-2019 15:55


  • New leprosy treatment and prevention regimens issued by WHO in October 2018 are extensive and controversial.
  • In this Powerpoint presentation, we will delineate the basics of the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of leprosy in the U.S--and abroad, where World Health Organization (WHO)              recommendations are being implemented.
  • Using cases from the author's current clinical U.S. Public Health Service practice in Arizona,we will discuss the clinician’s role in working with National Hansen's Disease Program (NHDP).
  • Working abroad, you will need to adapt to  national leprosy programs which use the new WHO guidelines
  • We will cite the relevant primary resources and latest reviews current in October, 2019

Author(s):Ronald Pust MD NHDP leprosy clinician for Arizona
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From the basics to the Latest   8.58 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 12-10-2019
78 slide clinically oriented Powerpoint comprehensive review of clinical leprosy comparing USA with WHO practices by R. E. Pust MD based on his 36 years of treating leprosy patients.with the National Hansen's Disease Program.

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