Motivational Interviewing Workshop

01-11-2024 13:06

This resource contains materials utilized to plan a Motivational Interviewing (MI) Workshop for health professional graduate students. The resource includes a Needs Assessment survey that was utilized to inquire about prior MI training and utilization among students, and interest in receiving training. Also included are pre-and post-workshop surveys to assess change in knowledge of MI concepts and satisfaction with the workshop. This resource also contains a Standardized Patient (SP) scenario and grading rubric (OnePass measure), as well as a survey assessing satisfaction with the SP exercise. This resource is submitted as an accompaniment to a PRiMER manuscript describing the implementation and outcomes of this educational activity.

Author(s):Aurianna Lajaunie, MS; Natalie Vela; Hannah Kimmel-Supron, MPH; Sarah Small; Kenneth Resnicow, PhD; P. Elainee Poling, MD
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6 Files
docx file
A. Needs assessment survey   15 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-11-2024
This needs assessment survey was administered to health professional graduate students to assess interest in and prior exposure to motivational interviewing, including prior motivational interviewing training, as well as interest in receiving training.
docx file
B. Pre-workshop survey   15 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-11-2024
This survey was administered to students before they attended a motivational interviewing workshop, and consists of a quiz testing knowledge of motivational interviewing concepts.
docx file
C. Post-workshop survey   15 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-11-2024
This survey was administered to students after they attended the motivational interviewing workshop, and consists of the same quiz questions of motivational interviewing concepts administered on the pre-workshop survey, in addition to questions assessing student satisfaction with the workshop and feedback.
docx file
D. SPE scenario   904 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-11-2024
A case-based scenario utilized during the Standardized Patient Encounter on the topic of smoking cessation.
doc file
E. OnePass measure   155 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-11-2024
The OnePass measure is a validated measure to assess use of motivational interviewing principles in clinical encounters, and was used in this educational activity to grade students' use of motivational interviewing during their Standardized Patient Encounters.
docx file
F. Post-SPE survey   7 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-11-2024
This survey was administered to students after they had completed their Standardized Patient Encounters to evaluate their satisfaction and gather feedback on their experiences.

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