Population Health Internships: Creating Value-Added Learning Opportunities for Undergraduate Students in Primary Care

10-09-2020 16:46

Family physicians are increasingly striving to provide population health services for their panel of patients. This may include registry-data information management, such as reviewing patients who have uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes. With this data, the primary care team can then provide targeted interventions to the identified patients. Allocating staff to these new endeavors in population health management may be difficult, especially in under-resourced care settings. Additionally, family physicians and other healthcare providers are often asked to provide learning opportunities for undergraduate students, often as shadowing. Our group hypothesized that undergraduate students, seeking an opportunity to learn within the primary care setting, could provide population health management services in the primary care setting. We have recruited and trained three interns to date. We have learned valuable lessons in the process that we hope to share with other primary care teams who hope to both expand the population health services they offer and also provide meaningful value-added learning opportunities for undergraduate students.

Author(s):Emily Manlove, MD, Jennifer Reiter, PharmD
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