Televisits by Residents What is the Quality Compared to In-Person Visits?

05-07-2021 15:13

he COVID pandemic required many residency practices to quickly offer Televisits to vulnerable patients. While there is literature about the advantages and disadvantages of telehealth visits, there is insufficient information on the impact of Televisits on quality of care to people with chronic conditions and to people with preventive care needs.

Single Federally Qualified Health Center in NYC Quality of Care Before and Duringthe Pandemic: Compared care during 3 months - April, July and October - in 2019 and in 2020.
Comparison of In-person and Telemedicine Care During the Pandemic: Focused specifically on our residents, reviewed all patient encounters in the month of July 2020

From 2019 to 2020 there was a general decline in HgbA1c orders due to a significant drop in April 2020; colon cancer screening orders remained stable.
HgbA1c orders among patients due was 91% for face to face visits, 81% for telephone visits and 74% for video visits.
• Screening assessment for colon cancer was highest for telephone visits (50%) and lowest for face to face visits (25%).
• If due, mammograms were ordered for just over half of patients seen face to face (57%), 40% of patients seen by telephone visit, and none of the patients seen in video visit

During the COVID-19 pandemic quality of care dropped and recovered partially. In-person meets more diabetes quality indicators. Future research should review the specific workflows for video and telephone visits to assess for improvement opportunities.

Author(s):Andreas Cohrssen MD, Sara Beth Karp MD, Eve Walter PhD, Nandini Shroff MPH
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