Tips for Promoting Learners' Feedback-Seeking Behavior

02-16-2020 08:33

A scoping review of the literature surrounding feedback in medical education published in Academic Medicine in 2017 identified "methods to help students ask for and receive feedback" as a gap that warranted future scholarly effort.  Much of the feedback literature has been devoted to the delivery, the receiving, or specific curricular aspects of incorporating feedback, as opposed to the process of actively seeking or soliciting.  For decades, medical learners have been reporting that they receive too little feedback and that what they receive is often ineffective and non-specific.  Feedback is a critical component of performance improvement.  This session focuses on helping learners to obtain the type of specific, individualized feedback they require in order to develop their skills to become successful physicians.

Author(s):Victoria Hayes, MD; Meg Curran MD
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7 Files
pptx file
Feedback-Seeking Power Point   932 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-16-2020
docx file
Feedback-Seeking techniques.docx   128 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-16-2020
List of feedback-seeking techniques (obtained from students themselves through interviews)
docx file
Feedback-seeking guide.docx   43 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-16-2020
An overall guide to feedback-seeking created by a medical student.
mp4 file
Hallway Scenario.mp4   3.99 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-16-2020
Feedback-seeking trigger video
mp4 file
Focus Exam Feedback-Stop-Start.mp4   14.72 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-16-2020
Video vignette demonstrating STOP/KEEP/START technique
mp4 file
Feedback Body Language.mp4   10.03 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-16-2020
Feedback-seeking trigger video (different view)
docx file
FB vignettes with teaching tips.docx   21 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-16-2020
Guide to the video trigger tapes with transcripts and teaching points for each.

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