What Do I Do Now? The Ethics of Honoring The Patient's Voice

09-18-2017 10:58

Powerpoint and handouts from a presentation given at the 38th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine. Provides a framework for teaching medical learners about medical ethics, a tool for working through challenging clinical cases, practice vignettes, and values clarification exercise that can help learners identify potential "ethical blindspots" they may have.

#narrativemedicine #ResourcetoShare #MedicalEducation #hospitalmedicine #Conferences #interactive #Medicalstudenteducation #Difficultmedicalencounters #Challengingdoctorpatientinteractions #Sayingnotopatients #Integratedbehavioralmedicine #ForumforBehavioralScienceinFamilyMedicine #BehavioralMedicine #2017 #curriculum #Competencies #bias #tools #GraduateMedicalEducation #Valuesclarification #Toolkit #behavioralscience #BehavioralScienceForum #patientengagement #boundaries #inpatient #LGBTQ #ResidencyEducation #learning #ResidentEducation #ICU #ethics

Author(s):Aaron Grace, Heather Kirkpatrick
1 Favorited
4 Files
pptx file
The Ethics of Honoring the Patient's Voice   869 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-18-2017
Powerpoint from presentation. Provides framework for understanding and teaching medical ethics.
docx file
Five box tool   16 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-18-2017
Tool for working through challenging ethical cases.
docx file
Small group exercise   23 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-18-2017
Eight case vignettes with instructions for how to work through an ethical dilemma. Can be done in a group or individually and discussed.
docx file
Values clarification exercise   21 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-18-2017
Self-reflection exercise for uncovering potential "ethical blindspots"

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