Types of problems presented were most commonly mental health, but also included financial and legal concerns, lifestyle (smoking, diet), and chronic pain. #BehavioralMedicine #mentalhealth #Depression #underprivileged #medicalmissions #socialdeterminantsofhealth #publichealth #IntegratedBehavioralHealthcare #ruralhealth #behavioralscience
RAM slides.Forum.2017.pptx
Platform presentation given at the 2017 May STFM conference by Anne Hutchinson MD and Tim Drake PharmD #opioid #Chronicpain #populationhealth #2017 #STFMAnnualSpringConference
Slides Convergence of Population Health Management and Appropriate Chronic.pdf
#opioid #2017 #STFMAnnualSpringConference
STFM Flier 5.3.17.pdf
The ever-changing culture of healthcare and graduate medical education has contributed to an evolving role of behavioral science in family medicine residency programs. Behavioral science historically has served a dual role within the residency program and healthcare system providing clinical...
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - The 37th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family ...
The powerpoint slides describe three different medical student electives in Behavioral Medicine at two institutions. There are also supplementary materials that you might reference if you were creating your own elective, such as an elective log, a list of readings and didactics, goals and...
6 attachments
See matching library entry files - [bookmark: _GoBack]From Miller and Rollnick, as ...
presentation slides, slide template for use by programs to share information about their own "value equation", annotated bibliography of articles related to showing your program's value (from 2014) #valueequation #2017 #programvalue #STFMAnnualSpringConference
3 attachments
See matching library entry files - Program Impact: Service to our community Service...