This presentation by the STFM Graduate Medical Education Committee describes an approach to faculty development that uses a framework that identifies and emphasizes the fundamental skills that all faculty educators should possess. The Residency Faculty Fundamentals Certificate Program for...
17AN_Presentation STFM GMEC_EWedit (2).pptx
New strategies are needed to train physicians to lower health care costs and address the health care needs of communities, especially in underserved areas. Using curriculum with a focus on experiential learning, residents apply their understanding of social health determinants and public health...
#PregnancyCare #opioid #STFMAnnualSpringConference #ResidencyEducation #maternalchildhealth
Perinatal Substance Abuse Residency STFM 2017.public.pptx
This session seeks to discuss how behavioral scientists are utilized to accomplish behavioral science residency education needs in residency programs. Participants will identify strategies in curriculum development in behavioral science residency education with consideration to their work demands
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See matching library entry files - Dennis Butler The 37th Forum for Behavioral Scie...
Compassion and empathy are important aspects of patient-centered care and of being a good family doctor as evidenced by their inclusion of these competencies in the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education family medicine Milestones of professionalism and communication. Helping...
STFM 2017 Cultivating Compassion Through the Teacher-Learner Relationship 5.8.2017.pptx
Powerpoint and handouts from a presentation given at the 38th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine. Provides a framework for teaching medical learners about medical ethics, a tool for working through challenging clinical cases, practice vignettes, and values clarification exercise...
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The active learning Toolbox is a resource created by the AIM to ACT (Assessing and Improving Medical education through an Active Classroom Toolbox) Education Collaborative at the Faculty Development Fellowship at UNC Chapel Hill to help educators move from passive to active teaching methods ...
0 AIM to ACT Toolbox.pptx
New faculty face unique challenges navigating the multifaceted domains of medical student education, residency training, and research. Family medicine departments often struggle to provide a comprehensive orientation for new faculty or a sustainable model for continuous faculty development....
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See matching library entry files - Contribute effectively to residency educ...