Lecture discussion from the STFM 2017 Annual Spring Conference - this presentation discussed current barriers and strategies to training family medicine residents in management of long acting reversible contraception
Training Family Medicine Residents in LARC.pdf
The American Academy of Family Physicians Commission on Education originally compiled this list of entities that offer procedural training in both live and online venues. As family medicine educators, the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on Hospital Medicine and Procedural Training has been charged with maintaining a database of resources available for procedural training
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#MaternityCare #Competency #ProceduralTraining #Assessment
#Competency #Assessment #ProceduralTraining #MaternityCare
#MaternityCare #Competency #Assessment #ProceduralTraining
#MaternityCare #ProceduralTraining #Assessment #Competency
#MaternityCare #Assessment #Competency #ProceduralTraining
PPT Presentation PCATs Annual Spring Conference 2017 #ProceduralTraining #2017 #MaternityCare #STFMAnnualSpringConference
STFM PCAT presentation.pptx.pdf
The Kaiser Permanente San Diego Family Medicine Residency created a process to evaluate residents on procedural competency. The residency faculty first agreed on a list of required outpatient procedures and on specific steps required to complete a given procedure competently. The objective...
Procedural Competency Evaluation Process - STFM May 2017.pdf