Powerpoint and handouts from a presentation given at the 38th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine. Provides a framework for teaching medical learners about medical ethics, a tool for working through challenging clinical cases, practice vignettes, and values clarification exercise...
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Seminar discussion from 2017 - In family medicine, we develop multifaceted relationships. These relationships may cross a boundary affecting our ability to evaluate, teach, and mentor. The hidden curriculum impact goes beyond those directly involved. The transactional power differential between...
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We created easily-accessed reference algorithms for selected OB topics based on ACOG Practice Bulletins and Committee Opinions. These algorithms are aimed to improve clinical practice, especially in the setting of precepting by faculty who no longer practice OB and are therefore less familiar...
STFM ob presentation final.pptx
Precepting, the process of teaching during the clinical encounter, is an invaluable tool for resident learning in family medicine residencies. It provides an opportunity to reinforce didactic learning and apply knowledge and skills to individual patient care. There has been little attention...
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#2016 #Conferences #AAFPFamilyMedicineGlobalHealthWorkshop
2016 Global Health Workshop Ebola presentation.pptx
2016 AAFP GH Workshop presentation discussing the involvement of pharmacy residents on a GH elective with an FM Residency. #Conferences #2016 #AAFPFamilyMedicineGlobalHealthWorkshop
2016 Interprof PharmFMGH elective.pptx
Family medicine resident physicians quickly discover that they are sought out experts for many things in their patients' lives that they may or may not be equipped to address. Parenting challenges and concerns present such dilemmas for residents who have little to no training about parenting...
#Conferences #2016 #AAFPFamilyMedicineGlobalHealthWorkshop
2016 AAFP GHWS Collaboration at a systems level for safe and ethical Global Health Engagement - no pics for upload.pptx
#Conferences #ForumforBehavioralScienceinFamilyMedicine
Family Med and Behav Health Integration for BH Forum_2016.pptx