Presentation on teaching secure messaging and telephone visits as part of a PCMH in a residency clinic, later given to the whole Group Health staff. FMDRL ID: 5756 #Conferences #2013 #STFMAnnualSpringConference
TeachingVirtual Visits_Final.ppt
FMDRL ID: 5548 #Conferences #ConferenceonPracticeImprovement #2013
Enhanced Team Based Care.pdf
FMDRL ID: 5126 #2013 #Conferences #ConferenceonPracticeImprovement
STFM 2013_FINAL_Seminar_Implementing IICCM in PCMHs_11_23_13.pdf
Seminar from the 35th Forum. Strategies to incorporate self-reflection into resident education, behavioral health consultations and support groups. FMDRL ID: 4991 #Conferences #2013 #ForumforBehavioralScienceinFamilyMedicine
Residents Heal Thyselves Self-Reflection Forum 2014.pptx
Powerpoint that summarizes our approach to ADHD at Inspira Family Medicine Residency. Comorbidity and long-term consequences of ADHD addressed briefly. The only randomized long-term study of treatment of children for combined type ADHD, the MTA is discussed. Also discussed are studies that...
ADHD for STFM.ppt
As competency-based training becomes more widespread in medical student education, identifying techniques for implementing PBLI curricula is useful for those involved in family medicine clerkship training. Our purpose was to investigate how PBLI is integrated into family medicine clerkships and...
Willis STFM CERA PBLI Completed Project Presentation Spring 20131.pptx
This is a presentation I made at the Northeastern Family Medicine Education Consortium meeting and STFM Practice Improvement conference in late 2013. It's an overview of a new way I created for family physicians to document, code, and bill for their work. FMDRL ID: 4639 #2013 #Conferences ...
STFM Practice improvement 12-13.pptx
Patient Hand Washing: Attitudes and Performance A Patient Centered Approach to Quality Improvement FMDRL ID: 4659 #Conferences #2013 #ConferenceonPracticeImprovement
Hand Washing Quality Improvement Project.pdf
This was a plenary given at NAPCRG in Ottawa, Canada in 2013. It describes the challenges of getting funding, and a framework for how to develop a research program and do interesting, useful scholarship with little or no funding. FMDRL ID: 4652 #NAPCRGAnnualMeeting #2013 #Conferences
Research on the cheap - Ebell NAPCRG 2013.pptx
A healthy primary care system is essential to our nation's health system, but primary care is at a crossroads. Burnout is rampant, fewer physicians are choosing the specialty, and many existing primary care doctors are leaving it. Drs Christine Sinsky and Thomas Sinsky and their colleagues...
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