Slideset for the FMEC Milestones Learning Community's presentation at the 2015 FMEC regional meeting. We share the results of our national survey of Family Medicine residency programs and their use of the milestones and share some successful practices at our own residency programs. FMDRL ID:...
FINAL.Milestones Across the Residency Galaxy 10.31.15.pptx
Large slide presentation explaining the limitations of existing processes aimed at improving healthcare quality and decreasing costs. It focuses on "the third wave" -- improving care by improving the way physicians make decisions. It focuses on practical uses of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and...
Shaughnessy innovators conference.pptx
Family Medicine Education Consortium presentation on October 29, 2015 describing the connection between milestones, entrustable professional activities (EPAs), and competencies. Pre-conference: Approaching Milestones Documentation: Tricks, Trips, and Examples. FMDRL ID: 5771 #FMECMeeting ...
3 attachments
Learner Objectives: Develop methods for IPE Collaborate with other programs Brainstorm innovative formats and educational settings for IPE Read this ppt to: Hear about our model for IPE using Std Pt cases in a "referral and follow up" format Review selected focus group feedback from our initial...
SPICE FMEC 2015.pptx
Discussion of recent guideline changes and strategies for impementation FMDRL ID: 5125 #Conferences #2014 #FMECMeeting
Final Case and Guideline Discussion1FMDRL edit.pptx
Precepting redesign at Tuft University Family Medicine Residency. Assessment of needs followed by improvement cycles. Adoption of SNAPPS and POwER models in context of PCMH. Future challenges direct observation. Miller's Pyramid FMDRL ID: 5020 #FMECMeeting #Conferences
Agenda for October 24, 2014 FMEC Superutilizer Preconference with corrected Times. FMDRL ID: 5018 #Conferences #FMECMeeting
FMEC Hybrid Conference Plan.docx
This slide presentation is an overview of the PBLI milestones along with a list of resources for curriculum and assessment. FMDRL ID: 5019 #FMECMeeting #Conferences
Milestones FMEC 2014 10 21.ppt
Handouts for lecture discussion giving an overview of patient safety and toolbox to run a patient safety case review in a residency program. Outcomes include increased incident reporting and direct linkages to hospital administrators to improve patient safety by providing systenms based...
Powerpoint that summarizes our approach to ADHD at Inspira Family Medicine Residency. Comorbidity and long-term consequences of ADHD addressed briefly. The only randomized long-term study of treatment of children for combined type ADHD, the MTA is discussed. Also discussed are studies that...
ADHD for STFM.ppt