Barriers to Contraception Access Survey

11-30-2018 14:22

This resource contains a survey tool used to assess barriers to contraception access identified by providers and staff working at family medicine residency health centers. There are two Word document versions with provider vs. staff specific questions. The survey was designed to provide internal consistency by asking about barriers in two different ways (Likert scale and ranking questions). Additionally, the survey assessed study participants' knowledge of contraception. This survey tool was used in data collection for a PRiMER manuscript describing clinician and staff perceptions of barriers to providing contraception in primary care.

Author(s):Lauren Cowen; Scott Hartman, MD; Elizabeth Loomis, MD; Sukanya Srinivasan, MD, MPH; Christina Gasbarro, MD; Jocelyn Young, DO
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2 Files
pdf file
Barriers to Contraception Access - Provider Survey   222 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-30-2018
This survey contains provider-specific questions.
pdf file
Barriers to Contraception Access - Staff Survey   203 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-30-2018
This survey contains staff-specific questions.

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