Diverse representation in medical education curricula is important to mitigate bias and address health needs of all patients. Because stereotypes are pervasive, unconscious bias regarding identity characteristics (ie, race, age, gender, sexual orientation) may result in health disparities. Bias in educational cases can also create a hostile learning environment for students. This session highlights a research elective designed for medical students to address bias and microaggressions in our preclinical curriculum to improve the learning environment and, ultimately, patient care. Under faculty supervision, 39 students (to date) reviewed literature on bias and qualitative research methods in medical education over a year. Then, extending work of Turbes et al (2002) and Krishnan et al (2019), students analyzed preclinical educational cases, qualitatively coding for identity characteristics and instances of bias. Through the review of over 15,000 cases in 12 courses, our team has developed a framework for standardizing cases to mitigate bias and microaggressions. This session will share the framework as well as the process for reviewing other hidden issues throughout a course or curriculum.