Bridging the Gap: Examining the Implications of Implementing Universal Developmental Milestones for Faculty

01-24-2019 10:16

This resource includes the seminar's handout and the results of the SWOT analysis.

Here is the link to a Prezi with audio narration detailing the reasons for developing fundamental faculty competencies:

Seminar Abstract: There is a standardized set of required milestone behaviors for residents. However, there is currently no consensus regarding a similar developmental structure for faculty. Members of the STFM Faculty Development Collaborative are working to develop competencies, sub-competencies and milestones for faculty. During this process, it will be critical to examine the multi-dimensional implications of developing this new structure, and how best to solicit input along the way. This highly interactive seminar will engage small groups of participants in conducting a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) around faculty milestones and whether they should be recommended or even required. The facilitators invite lively exchange regarding both the emotional and practical dimensions of this topic. The goal is to identify important considerations for many stakeholders related to faculty milestone development and implementation to inform the collaborative’s work.

Author(s):John Boltri, MD; Tina Kenyon, MSW; Brian Johnson, MD; Bharat Gopal, MD
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2 Files
pdf file
STFM 2018 Faculty Milestone Handout.pdf   662 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-24-2019
pdf file
SWOT Analysis Results.pdf   278 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-24-2019

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