Building Synergy: the EBM Curriculum, Patient Communication, and the Academic Project

05-10-2017 14:56

A lecture-discussion at the 2017 STFM Spring Conference in San Diego, CA. Includes expanded PowerPoint presentation and handouts. Presentation describes work building an EBM curriculum that strives to prepare residents for: 1) their academic projects, 2) complex patient questions, 3) communication with patients around evidence.

#STFMAnnualSpringConference #EBM #2017

Author(s):Jon O. Neher; Gary Kelsberg; Corey Lyon
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6 Files
pptx file
2017 STFM EBM curriculum presentation.pptx   1.15 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2017
Building Synergy PowerPoint (original STFM presentation)
pdf file
EBM Curriculum (Renton WA).pdf   87 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2017
EBM curriculum documents for Renton, WA (updated curriculum, with emphasis on resident engagement and preparation for academic projects)
pdf file
EBM Curriculum (U of CO).pdf   87 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2017
EBM curriculum documents for Denver
pdf file
EBM Workshops (Renton WA).pdf   103 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2017
Description of EBM workshops for Renton, WA (with emphasis on resident engagement, doctor-patient communication exercises, and preparation for academic projects)
pdf file
Guideline Worksheet (Collaborative).pdf   81 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2017
Journal club worksheet for guidelines
pdf file
RCT Worksheet (Univ of CO).pdf   12 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-10-2017
Journal club worksheet for RCTs

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05-10-2017 15:07

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