Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment at Malamulo Hospital in Rural Malawi: A 2-Year Comprehensive Review

05-11-2015 09:17

AAFP Family Medicine Global Health Workshop, September 11-13, 2014, San Diego. Title of presentation Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment at the Malamulo Seventh-Day Adventist Hospital in rural Malawi: A two-year comprehensive review. Author(s) Crischelle Shank, MD; Jacqueline Uy, MD; Christina Miller, MD; Karen Studer, MD, MPH; Marc Debay, MD, MPH, PhD Learning objectives At the end of the presentation, attendees will be able to: 1. Appreciate the preventable burden of disease from cervical cancer in Southern Africa 2. Identify the resources needed to establish cervical cancer screening prevention and treatment services in a rural hospital in Africa 3. Assess the potential contribution of Family Medicine physicians and residents in establishing and documenting intervention programs Abstract: Southern Africa has one of the world's highest cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates, yet prevention and treatment services are scarce. In September 2012, the Malamulo Seventh-day Adventist Hospital (MSDAH), a 250-bed hospital in southern Malawi, launched a cervical cancer screening (CCS) program involving patient recruitment campaigns in surrounding villages. Since then, the MSDAH Women's Health Center provides weekly CCS screening and treatment services, including pap smears followed with colposcopy, loop electrosurgical excision procedures (LEEP) and hysterectomies as indicated. A MSDAH staff cytologist reads all pap smears on site and sends all abnormal and 10% of normal slides to an external pathology laboratory for quality control. By April 2014, about 2500 women had a pap smear, 88 a colposcopy and 27 a LEEP. A comprehensive review of this two-year CCS program and its leadership in the development of CCS services in Africa is presented. FMDRL_ID: 5624

#2014 #Conferences #AAFPFamilyMedicineGlobalHealthWorkshop

Author(s):Chrishelle Shank, MD, Jackeline Uy, MD, Miller Christina, MD, Studer karen, MD, MPH, Marc Debay, MD, MPH, PhD
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