Competency-Based Education as a Path to Societal Trust

03-12-2024 12:19

General Session

Benjamin Kinnear, MD, MEd; Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center/University of Cincinnati Medical Center

Competency-based medical education or “CBME” has become a buzzword echoing through our medical schools, residencies, and fellowship programs. What is it? And why is it being championed by so many organizations? In this plenary session, attendees will hear the argument for competency-based approaches to medical training, learn the core components of CBME, and be presented with a provocative corollary of truly competency-based approaches.

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:

1. Articulate the rationale for and core components of CBE

2. Debate the merits of fixed-time vs time-variable training

3. Evaluate how your own training program can be transformed to better meet the needs of learners and patients

Author(s):Benjamin Kinnear, MD, MEd; Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center/University of Cincinnati Medical Center
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