Developing Faculty Skills to Support Residents in Scholarly Activities

09-12-2008 12:16

Residency accrediting agencies now require that all family medicine residents participate in some form of scholarly activity. Many faculty support this goal but feel they do not possess adequate training to assist residents in this area. Through use of didactic presentations, examples from actual research projects, role-play and discussion/problem solving, this workshop will help attendees understand and practice faculty skills that are necessary to support residents and fellows through a successful scholarly endeavor. Areas of particular attention include coaching skills needed to formulate a high-quality focused question, developing realistic timelines and checklists to appropriately pace residents in their projects, and helping to design the final research presentation. FMDRL_ID: 639

#2006 #STFMAnnualSpringConference #Conferences

Author(s):Linda Olson Douglas, MD, Bruce Ambuel, PhD
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