Faculty Peer Mentoring to Address Concerns on ACGME Survey and Improve Teaching Strategies

04-27-2022 10:43

In order to address a downward trend in some items on the ACGME annual faculty survey, we developed a series of seminars utilizing the diverse expertise of our faculty and began a peer mentoring process. This process involves one faculty member observing another on hospital rounds focusing on specific areas for improvement identified by the faculty member being observed. The two faculty members then debrief at the end of rounds. In the workshop presented at the STFM Annual Spring Conference, we described our seminar series and shared the tools we developed for the peer mentoring process. The slide deck and faculty peer mentoring guide we developed and presented at the conference are included here.

Author(s):Mary Alice Scott, Davena Norris, Amanda Provencio, John Andazola, Lea Ortega
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2 Files
pdf file
Faculty Peer Mentoring Guide   121 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 04-27-2022
We developed this guide for use in paired faculty peer mentoring focused on specific areas of teaching improvement.
pdf file
Faculty Peer Mentoring Workshop Slide Deck   3.25 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 04-27-2022
This slide deck was used for the workshop presented at the 2022 STFM Annual Spring Conference. It includes an overview of each of the peer mentoring areas identified in the peer mentoring guide.

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