FMAQ-S Family Medicine Attitude Questionnaire - Short Form

02-26-2021 18:06

About the Family Medicine Attitudes Instrument: The instrument was developed by Julie Phillips, MD, MPHa; Jacob Prunuske, MD, MSPHb; Laurie Fitzpatricka; and Brian Mavis, PhDa and refined by Hana Kangc(aMichigan State University College of Human Medicine; bMedical College of Wisconsin; cMichigan State University College of Education). Scored responses to the long version of the instrument have been strongly correlated with family medicine career choice among fourth year medical students in the United States. The instrument has demonstrated internal, external, and content validity. It has not yet been tested in other populations.

Use of the Family Medicine Attitudes Instrument: The instrument is available with or without a scoring system embedded. The instrument may be copied and used, without charge, by not-for-profit organizations for evaluation of medical student curricula. The instrument may be modified to meet the needs of the users in developing and evaluating medical student curricula (i.e., omitting questions, converting to an electronic format). Results of these evaluations may be presented and published in educational and research forums. The authors should be contacted for permission to use the instrument for any other purpose, including any use for profit. We welcome your feedback about the instrument. The corresponding author, Julie Phillips, may be contacted at

We request that the instrument be cited when used. The short form of the instrument has not yet been published. Evaluation of the long form of the instrument has been published here and may be cited as:

Phillips J, Prunuske J, Fitzpatrick L, Mavis B. The Family Medicine Attitudes Questionnaire: A Valid Instrument to Assess Student Attitudes Toward Family Medicine. Fam Med. 2019;51(6):493-501.

Author(s):by Julie Phillips, MD, MPH; Jacob Prunuske, MD, MSPH; Laurie Fitzpatrick; Brian Mavis, PhD; and Hana Kang
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Family Medicine Attitudes Questionnaire Short Form   507 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 02-26-2021

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