Pluripotential Communities of Solution: From Folsom to Family Practice and Beyond

12-11-2013 20:28

In celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Family Medicine, the ABFM convened an Advisory Group of family doctors to re-visit the 1966 FOLSOM REPORT "Health is a Community Affair." Folsom presented "a significant appraisal of the personal and environmental health services...needed in the years ahead...with recommendations for action to achieve better health for all." Through several meetings and a Washington DC Forum, the advisory group put forward 13 Grand Challenges informed by Folsom's original positions. An important next step was to canvass the nation for projects demonstrating important concepts of COS: crossing boundaries, patient-centered, outcomes-oriented, and connectivity with public health. Examples of these innovative COSs will be discussed, as well as opportunities for more robust and sustainable models. COSs may develop full potential most successfully if they can address the unacceptable disparities within our health systems, by mitigating difficulties in access, reimbursement and integration of care. FMDRL_ID: 4643

#2013 #ConferenceonPracticeImprovement #Conferences

Author(s):Kim Griswold, RN, MPH, MD
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CPI - KGriswold.mp3   27.50 MB   1 version
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Pleuripotential_11_21_LBJ_Update1.pptx   7.11 MB   1 version
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