Predictors of Marital Satisfaction in Couples With at Least One Family Physician Partner

05-13-2014 13:04

It is estimated that the divorce rate for marriages in which at least one party is a physician is 10-20% higher than the general population. Predicting the variables that contribute to marital satisfaction, identifying the skills associated with those behaviors and developing a residency curriculum to teach the skills to resident physicians is the focus of this study. Intimacy, conflict resolution and emotional expressiveness have all been identified as important aspects of marital satisfaction. We will determine how each of these variables contributes to marital satisfaction using multilevel logistic regression. The results will be used to develop a skills based training curriculum for residency to improve the lives and well-being of physicians and their families. FMDRL_ID: 4823

#2014 #STFMAnnualSpringConference #Conferences

Author(s):Ivy Click, EdD, Glenda Stockwell, PhD, Erin Harris, MD, Jesse Gilreath, LCSW
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3 Files
pdf file
Marital Satisfaction Flyer_27Mar14.pdf   337 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-13-2014
docx file
STFMhandout.docx   21 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-13-2014
pptx file
Stockwell_Click_14AN.pptx   454 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-13-2014

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