Ready to Use Doctor Patient Communication Didactic Curriculum

09-19-2011 13:43

These slides are an introduction and overview of a fully developed curriculum to teach doctor-patient communication skills which includes 16 one hour modules. The entire curriculum is available upon request. The topics include delivering bad news, advance directives/end of life care, chronic pain, sexual history, terminating the doctor-patient relationship, health behavior change/motivational interviewing, angry patients, language barriers/cultural competency, discussing medical errors, shared decision making, increasing adherance, empathy, family meetings, communicating while using EMR, and patient satisfaction and malpractice risk. The core template of each teaching session includes educational objectives and background, a review of evidence and research, a description of the key communication skill, a demonstration of the skill, and a skills exercise. Each module includes an outline that specifies how to conduct the one hour session, a complete slide show, suggested AV materials, and a skills exercise. The structure of the sessions is interactive and based on proven educational theory. These modules offer well-constructed training that builds competency to meet ACGME requirements in communication skills as well as address some requirements from specific curricular areas (women's health, geriatrics, cultural competency). This collection of materials will provide any teacher with an immediately usable curriculum that has been through continual improvement and has been rated as highly effective by Family Medicine residents and faculty. FMDRL_ID: 2764


Author(s):Yvonne T Murphy, MD
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Dr Pt Comm Intro Slides.ppt   122 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-19-2011
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Registration Form FMDRL 2011.doc   26 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-19-2011

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