The sub-internship (or “acting internship”) is often considered the most formative and important course of the fourth year medical school curriculum. As such, a 2011 Alliance of Clinical Education panel recommended the development of a specialty-specific curriculum for all sub-internship experiences. While Internal Medicine and Pediatrics quickly developed such curricula, Family Medicine did not. Recognizing this gap, in early 2019, a subcommittee of the STFM Medical Student Education Collaborative began developing a national Family Medicine sub-internship curriculum; this process included gathering input from a 2019 clerkship directors CERA survey and focus groups at the 2020 STFM MSE Conference. This symposium will present the final proposed national Family Medicine sub-internship curriculum including recommendations for administrative logistics and course structure, types of clinical settings, core skills, and assessment tools. Session participants will reflect on the state of the Family Medicine sub-internship at their own institutions and, through participation in a SWOT (strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats) activity, plan first steps toward implementing the national curriculum.