Use of Fitness Trackers to Improve Physician Wellness

04-21-2017 19:46

Exercise has been shown to improve mental and physical wellness. The rigorous nature of physician schedules, however, is often not conducive to an active lifestyle. Fitness trackers seem like an ideal way to improve physician activity levels despite rigorous work schedules. Results of fitness tracker use in the general population, however, are highly variable, ranging the spectrum from apathy to weight loss and increased activity levels. In our presentation, we will discuss results of existing studies about the effect of Fitness Tracker use on activity levels, discuss resident and faculty physicians’ barriers to obtaining benefit from wearing a fitness tracker, explore potential solutions to overcoming these barriers, and discuss our plan to provide resident and faculty physicians with Fitbits in order to evaluate their impact on resident and faculty physician wellness. Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to: Discuss results of existing studies about the effect of Fitness Tracker use on activity levels (in resident and faculty physicians). Discuss potential reasons why activity trackers fail to improve activity levels in resident and faculty physicians. Discuss ways for resident and faculty physicians to maximize the benefit obtained from activity trackers.

#2017 #Wellness #STFMAnnualSpringConference #FitBit #Kaiser

Author(s):Vidush Athyal, Sharon Stinis, Jodi Berzak-Wolf, Francesca Adriano, Dereck Deleon
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