USF/LVHN SELECT MD Program: A Look at the Successes and Challenges of Innovation in Medical Education

02-07-2017 19:30

The University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine and Lehigh Valley Health Network partnered together to design the SELECT MD program, or Scholarly Excellence, Leadership Experience, and Collaborative Training, to foster compassionate and effective leaders in medicine and health care systems. The first class of students was admitted in 2011 with 17 students and has since grown to a plateau of 56 students per year. Aside from the unique learning experience of training in two separate and unique locations, SELECT provides additional education on a number of topics including emotional intelligence, health systems, and effective teamwork and leadership. One of the more unique components of the program is the interdisciplinary, longitudinal primary care curriculum, which is delivered throughout year three as students are rotating through their other block structured courses. The purpose of this presentation will be to discuss the unique aspects of this collaborative program, give an update on how it is has grown and lessons learned in the process, and review existing challenges. Participants will engage in discussion lead by the facilitators regarding these benefits and challenges and will be asked to draw on their own experiences in order to engage the conversation. Objectives: Appreciate the goals and structure of the SELECT curriculum. Explain the benefits of a longitudinal primary care course. Describe the challenges of implementing this type of curriculum.

Author(s):Glenn DeAngelis, Dr. Katerina Valvanis, Dr. Laurie Woodard, Dr. Amy Weiss, Barbara Brooks
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