Wellness Needs of Residents From Different Cultures

04-25-2013 13:28

Residents from different cultures form a distinct population and their specific wellness needs should be identified and addressed. The literature suggests two different areas of concern for cross cultural resident's wellness: 1) acculturation to a different medical system, and 2) acculturation to a new community/society. Issues related to the healthcare system include limited access to electronic medical records, rigid hierarchal system of medical training, cultural differences between physicians and patients, and difficulties negotiating a different healthcare and reimbursement system. Furthermore, cross cultural residents often encounter difficulties with acculturation including decreased contact with family members, few social supports in community, discrimination, verbal and non-verbal language difficulties, difficulty locating religious services, ethnic foods that meet certain dietary restrictions, and clothing, and uncomfortable discussing difficulties and accessing supportive services. Furthermore, these two areas occur in a 3-phase process including loss, disorientation, and adaptation; all of which are impacted by a variety of additional factors. Research has indicated that acculturation issues may be successfully addressed to ease cross cultural residents transition to their new residency and community. Methods have included using movies for acculturation purposes, medical terminology crash-course, implementing intern-senior buddy-system, providing lists and tours of local resources specific to cultural needs, and scheduling social and team-building activities prior to and during residency. FMDRL_ID: 4271

#2012 #Conferences #ForumforBehavioralScienceinFamilyMedicine

Author(s):Kimberly P Foley, PhD, Treah S Haggerty, MD, Julie Rickert, PsyD, Jeannie A Sperry, PhD, Mohamed Abdel-Rehim, MD, Mohamed Baiou, MD, Shubekchha Aryal, MD, Shefali Gupta, MD
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