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6185 Entries
2 years ago
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60 minute talk about Bipolar disorder, with notes

2 years ago
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1 h presentation about Lumbar, Cervical and Diabetic Neuropathy

2 years ago
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Introduction to suturing and biopsy techniques

2 years ago
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Submission Abstract

Introduction: Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the ...

2 years ago
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Description of the Flex Teacher Curriculum and Evaluation Survey

2 years ago
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Survey administered to evaluate the Flex Teacher curriculum.

2 years ago
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1)Engage faculty as learners themselves on this topic

2)Proceed with critical reflection to align empathy-based values, thoughts, and behaviors

3)Develop curriculum materials ...

2 years ago
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In 2018 the Mountain Area Health Education Center's family medicine residency in Asheville, NC started a consultative primary care clinic for adults with intellectual and developmental ...

2 years ago
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This is the list of questions asked in a survey of American medical students regarding exercise in medical education.

2 years ago
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This will serve as an appendix to a brief manuscript examining physical activity education in American medical schools. This document displays the amount of respondents from individual ...
