Survey disseminated to all volunteers in in the student led Covid-19 colorectal cancer screening telemedicine initiative to assess project efficacy.
Evaluation of implicit bias in professional relationships among medical students is limited. Underrepresented minorities in medicine (URM) comprise 25% of medical school matriculants ...
PURPOSE: Increased telehealth utilization in a pandemic imposed challenges to hypertension (HTN) care quality, as NCQA requires documented clinic BP
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in the use of virtual platforms for patient encounters. Our goal is to provide a standardized model for learner engagement in virtual encounters ...
Substance use disorders are a growing public health crisis and it is increasingly prudent to train all future front- line physicians in the fundamentals of addiction medicine. In this ...
Background: Electronic health records (EHR) have brought medical charting into the modern era. However, since their introduction, they have led to a whole new set of issues; inefficient ...
The culture of primary care in America is rapidly evolving to adapt the tenants of the Patient Centered Medical Home and Family Medicine educators will be required to find innovative ...
A full description outlining an adaptable 4-session curriculum on alcohol-related illness designed for family medicine learners.
An interview guide with questions and keywords used during qualitative analysis of interview text for the project, COVID-19 Vaccination Among Environmental Service Workers using Agents ...